Advantages with direct booking

No Parking Fee | Special Long Stay Rate | No Booking Fee

Our opening hours

... there for you 365 days a year

Opening hours of all Grauholz businesses

We look forward to your visit to us in the Grauholz.

Normal opening hours

Opening hours Grauholz Hotel

Monday to Sunday

06:30 h to 23:30 h

Check-in from 15:00 h / Check-out by 11:00 h

Outside of the opening hours, our on-call service is available to advise you.

Opening hours Grauholz Nord Food-Court

Sunday to Thursday
10:00 h to 20:00 h

Friday and Saturday
10:00 h to 22:00 h

Opening hours Restaurant Süd “Green Garden”

Monday to Friday
06:00 h to 21:00 h

Saturday & Sunday
06:00 h to 21:00 h

Opening hours Cafébar Nord

Monday to Friday
05:30 h until 19:00 h

Saturday & Sunday
06:00 h until 19:00 h

Opening hours Bistro Märit

Monday to Thursday
05:45 Uhr bis 21:45 Uhr

Friday & Saturday
05:45 Uhr bis 23:30 Uhr

06:45 Uhr bis 21:45 Uhr

Welcome to the Grauholz

Browse through our offers and services, find out all about our current promotions and specials, discover the versatility of the Grauholz service area and learn everything you need to know about us.

We look forward to your feedback!

Your Grauholzers

Grauholz Jobs

Are you looking for a new challenge? You can find our vacancies right here.